SITE Exhibitions

As our original plan was to initiate a magazine as a gallery space without an address and with exhibitions of unlimited durations, the very first real exhibition took place in 1998 in our editorial office, at Düsseldorf, Birkenstraße 47, simply because we liked the idea having friends and colleagues at the place commenting about the not yet published SITE 1 issue. Becoming clear that we liked the idea programming exhibitions over two different formats we opened a distinct gallery space in the same building.

The galleries basic curatorial concept was to invite each month an artist do a solo exhibition in the space. The programme was explicitely not related to the magazine issues and SITE took no curatorial role beyond inviting the artists. Between 1998 and 2001 there were 40 solo exhibitions at Birkenstraße 47. Beside of the soloshows we organized thematic/conceptual exhibitions, social events like dinner parties and have been invited to curate offSITE projects. At the end of 2001 the SITE exhibition space closed due to the necessity to reconsider its concept.